SHARE@Children’s Mercy is an institutional repository focused on gathering, preserving, and promoting the scholarly work created by Children's Mercy faculty and staff. SHARE includes journal articles, editorials, book chapters, books, conference presentations, and other scholarly works.
Complete article coverage is 2019-present. Posters and presentations from conferences and events are included by request. New content is continually being added to SHARE as this is a living, ongoing project.
The mission of SHARE is to collect and promote all the scholarly work being produced at Children’s Mercy in one place. SHARE is meant to display both the complete body of work produced by Children’s Mercy at a given time and to highlight the work being completed by individual departments and institutions.
SHARE is maintained by the Children’s Mercy Library Services Department.
SHARE includes scholarly works from all levels of faculty and staff across all departments and institutions within Children’s Mercy.
Children’s Mercy Library Services staff regularly conduct Children’s Mercy affiliation searches in PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, and Research Gate.
SHARE provides a permanent location for your scholarly works. Plus, the following benefits:
To qualify for inclusion in SHARE at least one author on a publication must list Children’s Mercy as their institutional affiliation.
No, access to full text depends on copyright. When possible according to copyright, a full text download will be included with each item. When copyright restricts access to the full text, links to the publisher/journal and the Children’s Mercy Library will be included for access. Library access requires signing in with Children’s Mercy credentials.
SHARE may be viewed, searched, or browsed by anyone; however, complete access to full text downloads may be limited to Children’s Mercy staff depending on copyright.
Yes! SHARE is discoverable via Google and Google Scholar as well as other popular search engines.
SHARE is maintained by the Children’s Mercy Library Services staff. To request inclusion of an item please fill out our publication request request form or follow the step-by-step instructions included in our guide.
SHARE is organized by department and institution. Each department is welcome to link to their collection from their page on the main Children’s Mercy website. To streamline the collection development process collections will be limited to overarching departments with all subgroups and divisions included. This makes it easier for users to find materials and for a clean look/feel.
Materials may include document files, image files, data sets, and audiovisual materials. Almost all digital file types may be submitted, but the following are preferred for preservation reasons:
While there is not a limit on file size, keep in mind that very large items may not be easy to download for all users. If you are uncertain about what file type you should use please contact Library Services.
If the error is within the published paper, you will need to submit a correction to the journal’s publisher for correction. If the error is in the description of the item, please email Library Services with a link to the page and details regarding how to correct the issue.
To submit a correction for a poster or presentation presented internally at Children’s Mercy, please send a detailed email to Library Services with a link to the presentation, details about the error, and the corrected file. The SHARE Admin team will review your request and let you know if an erratum or corrigendum will be accepted. If approved, notice will be placed on the metadata page for the publication along with the corrected file. The original document will remain with the correction added as a supplemental file.
NOTE: Corrections will only be made for grammatical errors or an author affiliation. Errors related to new information after the presentation will not be approved and will need to be submitted as a new document.
Many records will not include full text downloads due to copyright restrictions. Copyright may restriction inclusion in an open access repository. Each journal and publisher has their own set of copyright policies.
SHARE is meant to showcase the work being produced at Children’s Mercy. This means any work published before or after your tenure at Children’s Mercy will not be included. Depending on your career SHARE may not include all your scholarly work.
Any works published during your tenure at Children’s Mercy will stay in SHARE; however, works published after you leave will not be included. SHARE only includes works produced during your time at Children’s Mercy.
Works included in SHARE are meant to be permanent. If you would like to have something removed, please email Library Services with your request and stated reasons for removal. Your request will be considered by the Library Services team and you will be provided with an answer within 5 business days.
We would be happy to arrange a demonstration. Please email Library Services with your request.
Your author agreement should include your copyright agreement with the publisher. You can also check Sherpa/Romeo for policies.
Articles are only added to SHARE once they have been officially published. This means their citation information is complete and includes volume, issue, and page numbers. Many items are released online ahead of print before they are added to a particular issue. The Library Services staff keeps a running list of items released ahead of print and continually check the list for updated citations. This reduces the amount of rework required by the Library Services staff to maintain SHARE.
If you are interested in starting a new collection, please email Library Services to discuss the options.
No. PHI is NOT allowed within any of the holdings in SHARE. If there is a publication you would like to include in SHARE that has PHI the item must be redacted before inclusion.