Where to Begin
By Topic: When starting to search in PubMed keep search terms simple. PubMed will auto map your search to related terms and alternative spellings. The auto complete feature will suggest commonly searched terms as you type. Click search or press enter when ready to search.
By author: Enter author's last name and initials without punctuation in the search box, then click search or press enter.

How to use the tools
Search Result Page

A: Sort and display options. Best Match and summary are defaults. Options include summary vs abstract for format. Publication Date, Best Match, and Most Recent for sort by.
B: Default filters and customizable filter menu
C: Adjustable Timeline
D: Save search results by sending to email
E: Advance Search and to see search details
F: Create email search or RSS alerts
G: MyNCBI Filters
Article page

H: Links to full text.
I: Social media links
J: Similar articles now found below the abstract instead of on the side bar
K: View the abstracts for the previous and next article in the search results but hovering over the arrows on the right and left. Scroll to next article by clicking arrow.
L:Save, email, or send current article