How to Find Full Text
Option 1: Publisher Link
Most articles will include a link to access articles directly from the publisher. However, keep in mind many publishers require payment before accessing the article. Library Services discourages you from paying for access. If we don't have it available in our collection, we will try to get it for you via interlibrary loan for free.
Option 2: PubMed Central
PubMed Central (PMC) is a free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature. Today, PMC contains more than 6 million full text records. PMC grows through journal/publisher deposit, author manuscript deposit, and digitization projects. As of June 2020, PMC also includes preprints from NIH-funded research.

Option 3: Library Access
Children's Mercy Library Services subscribes to several journals and databases. Anyone with Children's Mercy credentials can access materials through the Library. The icon below will show up on each article in PubMed after Outside Tool has been set up. Review how to set up Outside Tool under the MyNCBI section of this guide. After clicking on the link you will be prompted to enter Children's Mercy credentials. The page will either take you to the article or provide links to request the article directly through InterLibrary Loan.