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General overview of publication FAQs

Manuscript or Publications Types

Original Research: 

The most common type of publication. This work provides new information for the field of study and should include recent and relevant references. Generally, the structure for this publication should have following sections: abstract, introductions, methods, results, discussion, and conclusions.

May also be called: Original Article, Research Article, Research, Article

Usually peer reviewed: Yes



This type of publication provides a comprehensive analysis and summary of existing research related to a certain topic. The publication should also include recommendations for future research in the field. This publication should not include new information or data. Many times reviews are used as introductions to a field or area of study and thus are cited often. Generally, the structure for this publication type should have the following sections: abstract, introduction, relevant sections, discussion, conclusion, and future directions/recommendations.

Highly recommend checking out the following article about the different types of reviews.

Grant MJ, Booth A. A typology of reviews: an analysis of 14 review types and associated methodologiesHealth Info Libr J. 2009;26(2):91-108. doi:10.1111/j.1471-1842.2009.00848.x

May also be called: Critical Review, Literature Review, Scoping Review, Meta-Analysis, Systematic Review

Usually peer reviewed: Yes


Case Study: 

This publication type is used to present information related to certain disease or condition. The publication will focus on the signs/symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes for either an individual patient or a small group of patients. This type of publication is generally used to provide new information on treatment approaches for uncommon or rare conditions. Generally, the structure for this publication has the following sections: abstract, introduction, detailed case description, discussion, and conclusions.

May also be called: Case Report

Usually peer reviewed: No


Opinion, Commentary, Editorial, Letter: 

This publication type focuses more on a personal point of view of a subject. Generally, these publications are used to provide feedback or criticize previously published material. These works are usually shorter than other publication types.

May also be called: Perspective, Response, Comment, Brief Communications, Communications

Usually peer reviewed: No