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How to Find Books

How to search for eBooks in the Library, how to find and place holds on print books, how to navigate different eBook platforms, and how to request books through interlibrary loan if the Library does not have them.


Children's Mercy Library Services offers books in both print and electronic formats. Its important to keep in mind the most recent editions of some books may only be available in electronic format. 

To begin searching for books in our collection or how to request books that are not in our collection, please follow the following links on our homepage. 

A: To search print books within our collection

B: To request materials from outside our collection 

C: To find eBooks within our collection

Review the pages on the left side bar to determine how to navigate to and search for your preferred format. 


NOTE: To access Library materials you will be required to sign in using your CMH username (without and password.