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Browzine & LibKey Nomad

Welcome guide for Browzine and LibKey Nomad. Briefly introduces Browzine and how to add LibKey Nomad to any browser.

What is LibKey Nomad?

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that allows for fast, easy access to scholarly articles on websites outside of the library. 


Is an account needed for LibKey Nomad?

No, you will not need to create an account. You will be prompted to connect to the Children's Mercy Library within the extension. 

If you are off campus you will be asked to authenticate your account similar to accessing other library materials (see below). 


Can LibKey Nomad be installed on my personal computer browser?

Yes, LibKey Nomad can be installed on any computer or a CM desktop.


What browsers allow for the LibKey Nomad extension?

LibKey Nomad is available for: 

  • Chrome
  • Edge
  • Firefox


How to install LibKey Nomad

Go to

Select browser at bottom of screen.

Download and install.

Once installed select "Children's Mercy Kansas City" from the organization list. 


Once the Children's Mercy Kansas City is selected the page should appear like this:


Once installed, look for the following buttons on various websites. 

This logo indicates that LibKey Nomad is active on the page and will provide access to materials. 


This button indicates that the library has this item and you can instantly download the PDF. 


This button indicates that the library has this item and you can instantly download the PDF.



This button indicates that the library has the article and will direct users to the page where the full text may be accessed. 


This button indicates that the library may not have the article, but we can help you get it via InterLibrary Loan. 


This button is a link to BrowZine and allows users to view the complete issue of the journal in which the article is published.