What is an Interlibrary Loan?
While Library Services attempts to provide immediate access to various types of publications there are times when you may need something we either do not have or is only available in our print collection. When requests for these publications come up we will do our best to find the article through a different medical or university library. When we request materials on your behalf from another library we call it an interlibrary loan as the other library is loaning the material to us to provide to you.
What is ILLiad?
ILLiad is the system we use to send and receive items through Interlibrary Loan. The name ILLiad stands for "InterLibrary Loan internet accessible database".
Why you should set up an ILLiad account?
Setting up an ILLiad account is quick and easy. Once the account is set up you will be able to request materials, access requested materials, and check the status of your request.
Library Services recommends using Google Chrome when using ILLiad.